Confirmation classes will be offered to 6th–12th graders who are interested in learning about the Reformed Presbyterian faith and membership in Lakewood Presbyterian Church. This 10-week class will begin February 10 during the Youth Sunday School class time (11:20 a.m.–12 p.m.). The course will take participants through eight themes, which are designed to illuminate the role of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) within their personal faith and the world. At the end of the 10 weeks, each participant will have the opportunity to choose confirmation or to continue in their search of understanding and faith. During this confirmation course, youth will be asked to attend classes for a minimum of eight of the 10 weeks between February 10 and April 28 (no class on April 21 — Easter Sunday). If one is missed, youth should schedule a meeting to make up the material. Participants will be asked to complete activities outside of the classes to help better understand the role of the church. These may include assisting with a WeeKirk lesson, attending a ministry meeting, participating in Youth Sunday planning, etc. Youth will be assigned a mentor who will correspond with and offer guidance and support along this journey of faith. If your child is interested in participating in this program or if you have any questions, please contact Aliyah Kennedy in the church office.
Confirmation Class
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February 10, 2019 @ 11:20 am – 12:00 pm