Do you have questions about racism? Would you like to examine the issue from a Christian perspective? Would you like to have a place to discuss it with LPC friends? If those answers are yes, we hope you will consider joining a four-week study offered by the Faith Formation Ministry. Entitled “Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community,” it is based on materials provided by the Presbyterian Church USA.
We realize we cannot gather as a large group so we are offering a hybrid course. Some of you (a limited number) might like to come to LPC to study together. We would guarantee social distancing, mask wearing and hand sanitizer. Others might like to join the group using Zoom meeting technology. Everyone would be able to hear the presentations. When small group discussion would be helpful, the Zoom group would talk together and those at LPC would form small, distanced groups. Everyone would receive the study resources via email.
We will meet on four Tuesday evenings beginning September 8 from 7–8 p.m. If you would like to join us in person or via Zoom, please email and include your name, phone number, email address and whether you prefer in person or Zoom. We’ll get back to those who indicate interest with details. Deadline to register is Thursday, September 3.