The program is titled “A Salon for Mr. Lincoln.” This program was originally commissioned by and performed at the Vermont State House as part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. Abraham Lincoln was a great lover of music. His eclectic taste spanned everything from Grand Opera to “Dixie.” He is reputed to have disguised himself while attending performances at formal concert halls and “low” musical halls so as not to draw attention away from the performances. Our program is based upon the many musical evenings he and Mary Todd Lincoln hosted during their residency at the White House, sharing their love of convivial conversation and memorable music. It will feature stirring songs, beautiful ballads and merry music hall melodies performed by WordStage core company members and guests accompanied by Mary Beth Ions and Patrick Wickliffe on violin and piano.
Tickets are $20 General Admission, $15 Seniors and $10 Students. For advance reservations, contact WordStage at 440-857-0717.