Adult Faith Formation
“Visible Signs of Invisible Realities” – led by Dr. James Butler
With the exception of Quakers (Friends), every Christian Church practices some form of baptism and communion. Depending on the church tradition, they have different names — Holy Baptism, Christening, Lord’s Supper, Eucharist, Holy Communion. Most Christians call them sacraments but some call them “rites” or “ordinances.” Most churches baptize infants and children, but not all. Some churches serve communion to small and/or unconfirmed children and to adults who are not church members, but most do not. LPC Pastor Jim Butler will introduce these and other issues in a two-part series planned for Sunday, February 9 and Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 11:20 a.m. He will also share the sacramental theology and scriptural basis in our Reformed and Presbyterian tradition and why LPC’s communion table is open to all.
Part 2 of the class was not recorded.
Adult Faith Formation
“The Myth & the Message: History & Interpretations
of the Founding Stories of Our Faith” – led by Aliyah Kennedy
Are stories like Jonah and the Whale relevant in our adult life? Or should these biblical tales be relegated to the fairytales of childhood? On three Sundays in January at 11:20 a.m., Aliyah Kennedy will review her 2020 online series “Suitable for Adults,” which will focus on some of the founding stories from our faith. We often hear these stories as children but then never look deeper than the miraculous, cartoon-like heroes from picture books. Join us as we pull apart the history, the myth, and the message of Noah’s Ark, Jonah, David and Ruth. Connect each of these founding stories from our youth to adulthood as we use them as a lens for our contemporary lives.
Adult Faith Formation
“The Incarnation ‘and the Word became flesh'” – led by Dr. Steve Gorman
On Sundays, December 1, 8 and 15, 2024, Parish Associate Steve Gorman will lead a series on The Incarnation; “and the Word became flesh” (John 1:14). It’s in the Bible. It’s in our theology and Confessions. It’s in our ministries (Matthew 25). The Incarnation — that God came in the Person of Jesus Christ. This is foundational to our beliefs as Christians. How important is the Presence of Jesus, with a Body, among us humans? Very. How much controversy did this cause? A lot. How much does an incarnational ministry affect what we do and how we do it as God’s Church? All the time. Join Steve at 11:15 a.m. in the Chapel as we appropriately begin this study of the Incarnation with a Babe in a manger: a Savior born to us!
Adult Faith Formation
“New Perspectives on Paul and His Theology” – led by Dr. Jim Butler
Several prominent Bible scholars are concluding that Paul’s theology has been misunderstood and wrongly interpreted through the lens of western Protestant theology, which began with Luther and Calvin. On Sundays, November 3 and 10, 2024, LPC Pastor Jim Butler will explore the recent research and conclusions of James Tabor on Paul, who called himself the “Apostle to the Gentiles.” Tabor is a scholar of biblical Greek and first century middle eastern religion whose doctoral thesis at the University of Chicago focused on Paul’s mystical experiences. He argues that popular evangelical “end times rapture” theology is a misinterpretation of Paul’s actual teaching that “Christ Jesus,” the “first-born from the dead,” would return (in Paul’s lifetime) and rule a transformed earthly kingdom with a new genus of glorified humans who would be “changed in the twinkling of an eye…”
Adult Faith Formation
“LPC Youth Mission Trip”
The youth travelled to Lotts Creek, Kentucky over the summer for their mission trip. On October 13, they had a chance to tell more about their time serving Lotts Creek Community School.
Adult Faith Formation
“Rediscovering Christian Foundations in Leviticus”
– led by Dr. Jim Butler
The book of Leviticus is one of the five foundational documents in the Hebrew Bible (or the “Old Testament” in Christian Bibles). It is what Jews call “The Torah” and Christians call “The Pentateuch.” Tradition says all five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) were written by Moses who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt into a forty-year journey around the Sinai Peninsula and then north into the “Land of Canaan.” Join Jim Butler in the Chapel at 11:20 a.m. on Sundays, September 22 and 29, 2024 and get a stronger grasp of the theological issues surrounding these ancient texts in our sacred library called The Bible.
Adult Faith Formation
“The Acts of the Apostles: The Jesus Movement Morphs into a New Religion”
– led by Dr. Jim Butler
LPC Pastor Jim Butler led a three-part series on the New Testament Book of Acts (aka “The Acts of the Apostles”) on Sundays, May 5, 12 and 19 in Wright Chapel. The document is commonly understood as a memoir of the early years of Christian history, from the crucifixion of Jesus and the Easter “appearances” up to the martyrdoms of James, Peter and Paul (AD 62–68). Most scholars agree that it was written by Luke, a co-worker of Paul, as a companion volume to his Gospel.
Adult Faith Formation
“Discipleship, Relationship and Serving Others” – presented by Aliyah Kennedy
Lifelong discipleship requires an awakened and engaged commitment to God and to all people whom Christ loves. It is about the call to daily take up our cross and follow Christ. It is about striving to see all people the way Christ sees them, not from judgments or preconceived perceptions. It is about helping walk with others, responding to their needs, desiring their well-being. The way of discipleship and service helps us to create deeper personal relationships with those around us.
Adult Faith Formation
“Report on the Southern Border” – presented by Marie Andrews
On April 14, LPC member Marie Andrews reported on her recent Pilgrimage to the Southern Border. Hear what’s going on in another part of the country and the people providing assistance. Marie’s experiences included a drive to the wall, worship, music, art, lectures and building fellowship with like-minded Christians.
Adult Faith Formation
“Dances of Universal Peace” – led by Subhana Graf
An important part of congregational vitality is supporting each other’s God-given gifts and empowering one another to use those gifts for God’s good purposes. Another part is congregational and self-care. On April 7, LPC member Subhana Graf shared her gift to bring peace and unity with Dances of Universal Peace. This tradition uses sacred phrases, chants, movements, and music from the world’s wisdom traditions.
Tuesday Evening Lenten Series – February 20, 27 and March 5, 12
“A Potent and Volatile Mixture: Evangelical Christianity and Partisan Politics”
LPC Pastor Jim Butler presents a four-part series on the intersection of partisan politics and evangelical theology using the research of Calvin College history professor, Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez. In 2021, Dr. Du Mez published a New York Times best-selling book entitled, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, in which she carefully traces the actions of politicians and evangelical leaders to meld politics and evangelical religion into one powerful movement that began with Billy Sunday’s “muscular Christianity” and the iconic actor, John Wayne. The series will include a thorough discussion of evangelical and “fundamental” theology popularized by Billy Graham, James Dobson and Jerry Falwell. The rise of militant faith and a Christian America, by ignoring Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” and his other basic teachings, will also be discussed.
Adult Faith Formation
“The Pathway to Grief is Love” – led by Rev. Sue Pray
How we understand and address grief in our culture is in need of a complete and total makeover. Rev. Sue Pray, UCC Minister and Director of Spiritual Care at hospice will join us on March 3 and 10 at 11:20 a.m. to reflect on self-care and caring for each other during the difficult, but inevitable journey of grief. In this two-session workshop, we will explore how we understand grief, the myths our culture imposes on grief, and the reality of grief. Because if we have loved and lost, we have grief.
Adult Faith Formation
“Mission Malawi Update” – led by Karen Byrne
Commissioned Pastor Karen Byrne will return on February 25 to give an update on the Malawi Prison Mission that our church has recently supported. During her last update, we learned of the devastation of farmland due to cyclone Freddy and impending famine. With your help, seeds, fertilizer and other assistance was provided to create prison farms. Rev. Chimesya wrote in gratitude, “You have done great things for my life and the prison ministry.” By June, Zomba Central Prison was able to cultivate a maize and vegetable garden. One of the officers told him that apart from feeding the inmates with delicious vegetables like tomatoes and onions, they had extended this blessing to the mental hospital and central hospital kitchens.
Adult Faith Formation
“Loving Thyself and Neighbor” – led by Aliyah Kennedy
Aliyah Kennedy will lead a session focused on the importance of community and selfcare.
Adult Faith Formation
“Answers to Job: Coping with An Imperfect World” – led by Dr. James Butler
“There was once a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job. He was blameless and upright, revered God, and turned from evil…” And yet, Job’s life came apart at the seams. Foreign raiders stole his animals and murdered his servants; his children died together in a windstorm; and then he came down with a nasty, chronic skin disease. Job lost everything except for his unsympathetic wife and three friends who said it was all his fault — he sinned, and God was punishing him. The ancient Hebrew story of Job deals with the question of why otherwise decent, good, God-fearing people suffer and experience loss. Many people ask the same question Job asked: “What did I do to deserve this?”
Beginning Sunday, January 7 at 11:20 a.m. and continuing for three more Sundays, LPC Pastor Jim Butler will explore how people of faith have coped with suffering, loss and disappointment.
Adult Faith Formation Guest Speaker
“Caregiving 101” – led by Rev. Robert J. Machovec
What does it mean to be a caregiver? Nearly one in five Americans provide unpaid care for someone 50 and older. Caring for a friend or loved one can be one of the greatest gifts one can give to another person; it can also be one of the greatest challenges. On Sunday, November 12 at 11:20 am, we will explore the joys and challenges of caregiving. What are the issues, challenges and stress points? What are emotional and spiritual issues? What are some strategies for coping in being a caregiver? The discussion will be led by Rev. Robert J. Machovec, a United Methodist minister, Pastoral Psychotherapist, and trainer for Stephen Ministry. He is the Minister of Pastoral Care at the United Methodist Church of Kent.
Adult Faith Formation Guest Speakers
Greater Cleveland Congregations
Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC), with more than 30 member institutions, is dedicated to promoting issues of social justice to improve our community. Nathan Self and Khalilah Worley-Billy from GCC will be our guests for Adult Faith Formation on November 5. Their presentation will give us an opportunity to learn what GCC does to challenge policies, practices and systems that perpetuate racism and poverty.
Adult Faith Formation Guest Speaker
Cynthia Rios, Executive Director, The Haven Home
The Haven Home — an overflow shelter for women and children — opened in 2017, and currently serves over 240 families each year. When space becomes available in more permanent housing, the families transition out on their journey to sustainable independence. The Board of Directors has made a decision that Haven Home will pivot from a temporary shelter to a family maternity home with a transformational environment designed to restore and build healthy family relationships and prepare them for independence.
Haven’s Executive Director, Cynthia Rios, will be our guest on Sunday, October 29 at 11:20 a.m. during Adult Faith Formation. She will share Haven’s new mission and vision and how LPC can help it become a reality beyond simply providing financial support.