The Music Corner with Dr. Kaori Hongo
A Choir is a beautiful mosaic piece of art. Mosaics are made by many different small individual important pieces to create a larger image. Many times, these pieces are stone, tile, or glass, which on their own, do not have a cohesive image. However, put together by a Master Artist, these individual pieces can be either sorrowful, peaceful or enraged. A Choir is made up of such amazing individual people, acting like pieces of a mosaic, that come together to create something breathtaking, being arranged by the Master Artist, who is God. Being part of a Choir enriches one’s life, by working together for a common goal to create a piece of art. For the next couple of months, I have asked several individuals to share their testimonials of how Choir has positively impacted their lives. This month I have asked Rev. Dr. Arvid Whitmore to share his thoughts on his time singing in choirs
“When asked what singing in the choir has meant to me, the first thing that came to mind was how important music is in the life of the church, and especially in our personal journeys of faith. I suspect that all of us have a favorite hymn or two, the words of which we know by heart; meaning they occupy a very special place in what we believe about God and the values we cling to as people of faith. In fact, for many of us the music we grew up with in church has played a significant part in our theological convictions and faith formation over the years.
There is much that could be said about that, but when it comes to “a place in the choir,” I have been most indebted to my church choir experience for continually reminding me of two things: First, that while the church choir values the quality of the music it brings each Sunday, its purpose is not just to do its best in service to the congregation, but to enable the congregation, including the choir, to do its best in service to God through faithful, meaningful worship. Second, one of the great enjoyments that choir can provide is exposure to a variety of musical styles and forms. The variety is a reminder that God is not one dimensional. God is power and majesty, grace and warmth, peace and stillness, and infinitely more; all of which we experience in the music we sing. Choir opens us up to experience the rich depth and breadth of God’s identity and character.
In the end, of course, the real blessing and joy of choir, especially the choir at LPC, comes from its people, the ones whose voices and personalities blend so well and help create meaningful worship each week for all of us.”
Adult Faith Formation: The Myth & the Message
History & Interpretations of the Founding Stories of Our Faith
Are stories like Jonah and the Whale relevant in our adult life? Or should these biblical tales be relegated to the fairytales of childhood? On each Sunday in January at 11:20 a.m., Aliyah Kennedy will review her 2020 online series “Suitable for Adults,” which will focus on some of the founding stories from our faith. We often hear these stories as children but then never look deeper than the miraculous, cartoon-like heroes from picture books. Join us as we pull apart the history, the myth, and the message of Noah’s Ark, Jonah, David and Ruth. Connect each of these founding stories from our youth to adulthood as we use them as a lens for our contemporary lives.
Faith Formation News for Children & Youth
Looking Ahead to Confirmation
Confirmation is an important time for youth to learn about what it means to be Presbyterian and what Lakewood Presbyterian Church is all about. During this class, youth have a chance to ask deeper questions about who God is, what we believe about Jesus and the Bible, and how our faith compares to other faiths and denominations. This is also an opportunity to be mentored by one of the older members of the church and to decide if they would like to become members themselves. Confirmation is often seen as a graduation from Sunday School, but really it is a chance for youth to decide for themselves if they would like to become active members. All youth are welcome to participate in the class, even if they have already participated or if they choose not to be confirmed as a member. If you are interested in having your youth (6th-12th grade) participate in Confirmation, please contact Aliyah Kennedy in the church office so that she can set up a class beginning in February of 2025.
A Joyful Family Christmas
Faith Formation had a busy Advent season. On December 7, we hosted 17 children from the community during our Stories with St. Nick. The youth had a great time at a Christmas lock-in and worked hard to prepare for their annual Christmas pageant service. If you missed “Make Room,” you can watch their amazing performance on our YouTube channel. We have some incredibly talented kids!
Happy New Year from the Library Committee
The LPC Library Committee would like to call your attention to the following items:
- The “free” book cart you’ll see in the lobby after church contains some real treasures! We’re going through the shelves, book by book, and if a book hasn’t been checked out in twenty years or more, it’s donated to a local library. Choose a book while they last. Just because a book is “older” doesn’t mean its value is reduced. Quite the opposite is true!
- Did you know, our library has an amazing collection of children’s books? Come browse for your children, grandchildren, young nieces, nephews or other youngsters you know.
- Gently used books make great presents for both children and adults. Who wouldn’t be thrilled to receive the gift of a book?
- Our library is a peaceful place to browse, sit in a comfy chair, and visit with old friends you haven’t seen (or read) for awhile. And make new ones!
- In addition to Sunday mornings, the library is open Monday through Friday during office hours.
Thanks from the Staff
Your church staff thanks everyone who contributed to the staff Christmas gift fund. The special gifts will be used to spread Christmas cheer around with our families over the holidays. With much appreciation we are Carolyn Fordosi, Lucie Freeman, Jason Fuh, Sara Gresh, Kaori Hongo, Kim Hook, Aliyah Kennedy, Scott Schreibman, Nick Schneider and Zara Smith. We wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy 2025!
End-of-Year Financial Reminders
For those who receive them, pledge/ contribution envelopes for 2025 will be available in the Atrium beginning December 15. After the first of the year, they will be available in the church office. If you do not receive envelopes and wish to have them, please contact Sara Gresh at 216-226-0514.
For those who wish to pay their 2024 pledge or prepay their 2025 pledge by the end of December, please note that the envelope must be received or postmarked no later than Tuesday, December 31, 2024. The contribution records will be closed December 31, no exceptions.
If you have not already done so, please consider paying your per capita apportionment in addition to your pledge. The 2024 per capita amount is $38.00 per member. Please note “per capita” on the memo line of your check. Per capita for 2025 ($40.00) will be collected after January 1, 2025.